There are two SKU in Windows 10 IoT Core. One is Windows 10 IoT Core, other is Windows 10 IoT Core Pro. The difference between IoT Core and IoT Core Pro is that IoT Core Pro need license. The price of licence is US.10. The benefit of IoT Core Pro is user can control with fewer upgrades, the flexibility to stage and deploy updates when you want, or even the ability to turn off auto-update.
I provide the official web site here.
在 Windows 10 IoT Core 這個 SKU,總共分為兩個版本,一個是 Windows 10 IoT Core,另一個是 Windows 10 IoT Core Pro。
這兩個版本根據官方的說法,只差在 Pro 需要 License,License 價格為 10 塊美金,而 Pro 版不一樣的地方為,微軟官方釋出更新時,客戶可以選擇是否要執行更新,提供更大的彈性給客戶。
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