Today I'll introduce how to connect on ethernet by using Quectel UC20G 3G card.
1. Run the “Windows PowerShell ISE” with administrator privileges.
2. Enter below commands to link with IoT Core device. Before this step, you need to turn on the IoT Core device and make it on the ethernet to get it's IP. The below commands will remote control the IoT Core device with administrator privileges.
2-1 Net start WinRM.
2-2 Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value device'sIP.
2-3 Enter-PSSession device'sIP -Crendential device'sIP\administrator.
3. Enter below commands to get SIM card's info.
3-1 Netsh mbn show ready *
4. Enter below commands to line up UC20G. You need to modify the profile values. After modify the profile, you need to copy it to your USB storage and insert the USB storage to IoT Core device.
4-1 Netsh mbn add profile interface="Cellular" name="D:\profile.xml"
4-2 Netsh mbn connect interface="Celluar" connmode=name name="Quectel Wireless Ethernet Adapter"
5. You can see the UC20G is line up
今天我們要在 Win 10 IoT Core 上,使用 Quectel UC20G 網卡進行連線的實作。
1. 使用管理者身分執行 PowerShellISE
2. 輸入以下的命令,連線到 IoT Core 裝置上
2-1 Net start WinRM
2-2 Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHost - Value device'sIP
2-3 Enter-PSSession device'sIP -Crenditial device'sIP\administrator
3. 輸入以下命令去讀取 SIM 卡資訊
3-1 Netsh mbn show ready *
4. 修改連線所需的 Profile.xml,並使裝置連線
4-1 Netsh mbn add profile interface="Cellular" name="D:\profile.xml"
4-2 Netsh mbn connect interface="Cellular" connmode=name name="Quectel Wireless Ethernet Adapter"
5. 透過網頁可以看到 UC20G 連線成功
3 則留言:
Hi Brandon,
你好, 想請教一下
Quectel UC20G
是透過哪個模式或是driver 在Win10 IoT Core 下使用的?
Hi Brandon,
你好 想請教一下
這篇Blog中 Quectel UC20G 是透過哪個是透過模式或是Driver
讓他在Windows IoT Core 中可以被認到 謝謝!