2016年1月21日 星期四

Azure Prepare development environment 準備開發環境 (Solve install Azure SDK can't find LocalDb error)


Prepare your development environment

This document describes how to prepare your development environment to use the Microsoft Azure IoT device SDK for C#.

Visual Studio

Install Visual Studio 2015. You can use any version of Visual Studio 2015, including the Community edition.

Azure SDK for .NET

Install the Azure SDK for .NET 2.7 or later. Use the following links to download the SDK installer for your version of Visual Studio:

Some people will get below error message like can't find the LocalDb.

Here is the way to solve this problem.

1. Open the Visual Studio 2015 and go to Tool -> Extension feature and Update (Sorry for my language is Traditional Chinese)

2. Choose Update and update "Microsoft SQL Server Update for databa..."

3. You can install the Azure SDK correctly.

NuGet package

If you are creating a client application from scratch, use the Visual Studio package manager to add the latest version of the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client NuGet package to your project.

Reference: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdks/blob/master/csharp/device/doc/devbox_setup.md

微軟 Azure 開發環境的準備,所需的軟體如下:

- Visual Studio
- Azure SDK for .NET
- NuGet package
- Application samples

1. 安裝 Visual Studio
    Azure 的開發網站建議使用 Visual Studio 2015 進行開發

2. 安裝 Azure SDK for .NET
    可以選擇 2015, 2013 和 2012 三個版本,我安裝的是 VS2015 的版本,安裝的連結如下:
在安裝 SDK 的時候,有些人會遇到以下的畫面,以致安裝無法順利進行

 - 打開 Visual Studio 2015,選擇工具 -> 擴充功能及更新

- 選擇 "更新" 把 "產品更新" 內的 "Microsoft AQL Server Update for database" 更新

- 安裝完成後,就可以正常安裝 Azure SDK

3. 安裝 NuGet 包


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