This topic will talk about how to determine the Win10 IoT Core image is withing license.
1. Turn on your device and get IP address.
2. Run Windows PowerShell ISE with administrator authorization.
3. Enter the below commands.
3-1 "net start WinRM"
3-2 "Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value
3-3 "Enter-PSSession
3-4 "Reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion""
4. Check the "EditionID" is IoTUAPCommercial means you add the license correctly.
此篇文章會說明如何判斷製作出來的 image 是否有成功的包含序號。
1. 開啟你的機器並接上網路得到 IP 位置
2. 在 PC 端,使用管理員身分開啟 Windows PowerShell ISE
3. 依序輸入以下指令
3-1 "net start WinRM"
3-2 "Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value
3-3 "Enter-PSSession
3-4 "Reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion""
4. 確認 "EditionID" 為 IoTUAPCommercial 代表此 image 有成功包含序號